Upcoming McLogan Seminar July 31, 2013
July 19, 2013

Learn which products work best for which substrate. Tips on how to combat dye migration and become a pro at printing poly and performance fabrics.

What can clears and gels be used for? Learn the different types and how to create special effects, from soft-hand prints to 3-D textures,using a variety of products.

Come with questions and improve your printing skills! Several of our print and product experts will be on hand to share their
know-how.COST: $25
Lunch and snacks will be provided!
What Past Attendees Have Said: "I took a 2-day intensive course on screen printing which cost me more than $300 plus travel, and I learned more at this seminar than I did at that 2-day seminar." "I appreciate that everyone was so willing to share their experience and know-how. it saved me from making costly mistakes and a lot of frustration trying to figure things out myself.""Thank you, thank you, thank you. When is the next seminar?"