SGIA ‘10 Las Vegas A Success!
October 29, 2010

This year's SGIA '10 show was a great success thanks to many visitors and customers who visited our booth. For those of you who came by the booth: we enjoyed the opportunity to meet you at the show and introduce our newest products and screen printing techniques.
Ed Branigan conducted his seminar on Using Environmentally Favorable Garment Decoration Products, and Kieth Stevens presented educational sessions on plastisol inks at the Screen Printed Apparel Training Zone (SPATZ).
We also conducted several print demos at our booth and at SPATZ, so here are some pictures of the items we printed.

Here is a sample of multi-foil application with our 3811 Granite Base, printed on an uneven pallet.
Our new 3826 Astro Clear: When viewed under normal light and under UV Black Light conditions.

Ed also printed this "leather look," using the 3810 BlowOut Base and the 3811 Granite Base:

For more on International Coatings products, please visit our website at