Different screen print projects may require different mesh counts. Not sure what mesh to use on your next print job? Here are some guidelines to follow as presented by Kieth Stevens in
Impressions Magazine.
When it comes to choosing mesh for a project, it is important to consider what you are printing and the type of ink you are using.
Here is a simple guide that will help in choosing the right mesh counts for the right job:
Mesh Count: 25, 40 -
Usage: Glitter Inks
Mesh Count: 60, 86 -
Usage: Specialty inks, such as
puff or
fine shimmers,
glitters or
Mesh Count: 110, 155 -
Usage: Use where a large deposit of ink is needed, such as athletic numbers, printing white on black fabric, low-detail art or heavy white ink
Mesh Count: 160, 180, 200 -
Usage: Good for printing underbase white to create a softer overall feel, good medium-sized mesh count for medium-detailed artwork. The 200-count mesh can be a happy medium screen selection for when a 230 mesh is too fine and a 155 mesh is too coarse.
Mesh Count: 230, 280, 305 -
Usage: Low ink deposit, works well for halftone printing, simulated process or CMYK process printing
Mesh Count: 355 -
Usage: Very low ink deposit, generally used by very experienced printers only. Often used for printing 65 line or higher halftones for very detailed images
“Screen Printing Tip of the Week: Choosing Mesh — Part 2” will cover thread thickness and dyed vs. un-dyed mesh.
Kieth Stevens is the Western regional sales manager for International Coatings. He has been teaching screen printing for more than 10 years and is a regular contributor to International Coatings' blogs. For more information, visit iccink.com and read the company’s blog at internationalcoatingsblog.com.
- See more at: http://impressions.issshows.com/screen-printing-news/Screen-Printing-Tip--6597.shtml#sthash.qetyrc75.dpuf
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