Scoop Coaters Insights
December 11, 2009
Scoop coaters, a tool used to coat screens with emulsion, usually don’t get a lot of “coverage” – pardon the pun. So here is Kieth Stevens with more information on scoop coaters:
“As mentioned, scoop coaters are used to coat printing screens with emulsion. A good scoop coater is an important tool and as mentioned in my previous blog (posted September 17, 2009) on how important good emulsion coverage is, here are some basic things to consider when choosing a scoop coater:
- Did you know that most emulsion scoop coaters have 2 sides that can be used? Take a look at your scoop coater and there should be a sharp edge on one side and a rounder, more blunt edge on the other.
- How many passes are needed to coat the screen? Usually 2 and 2 – that means, two coats of emulsion on the substrate (shirt or fabric) side and 2 coats on the ink side of the screen.