Non-PVC Inks That Print Wet-On-Wet? AXEON™ Can!!!

October 21, 2020

You’ve researched non-PVC inks online, watched live print demos, but balked at having to flash non-PVC inks after every color. Flashing every color forces the decision – Do you restrict the number of colors you print or do you purchase a larger printer?


We've got the solution! Our AXEON™ Non-PVC acrysol inks print just like plastisol. That means you can print them wet-on-wet. No special emulsions or cleaning solutions needed.


Watch the live production run with AXEON inks.


AXEON™ Non-PVC inks are currently being used by major printers whose clients are mandating eco-friendlier products. They have told us how easy it was for them to switch from regular plastisol to AXEON™.


AXEON™ offers18 special effects inks, from shimmers to reflectives, puff, foil and flock adhesives, and even a Crystal Clear Gel-Gloss. Try some today!