New Improved Products and Product Name Changes
July 06, 2018
We've been busy this past year improving and renaming some of our products:

Based on customer feedback, 716 Black was reformulated to a faster flashing, low tack ink that is very creamy and short bodied. Its high pigment content makes it a "true" deep, dark, vibrant black. Printers who tested the reformulated ink love the improved print characteristics. To reflect the changes, we decided to rename it Phantom Black 716.
Already a great product, we have now improved the Performance Pro™ 7113 White to reduce the after-flash tack and lower the sheen. In addition, the printed ink offers a better drape and also a softer hand.
Glow-in-the Dark 108 - Product Improvement
How did we improve our classic Glow-in-the Dark 108 ink? We increased the opacity of the ink and also lengthened the glow-time.
We've renamed our super popular 900 Nylon Series and UltraMix® 9000 Nylon Series (Pantone® Color System) to All-Pro™ 900 and UltraMix® All-Pro™ 9000 respectively. Although the 900 and 9000 Series were initially created for printing on tough nylon substrates, they can print on so much more. They're now the go-to ink for many ad specialty, sports, safety and transfer printers. All-Pro™ 900 and All-Pro™ 9000 can be used for non-woven polypropylene substrates such as those used for reusable shopping bags and drawstring backpacks; and for other synthetic substrates used for such items as safety vests and swim vests.