Kieth Stevens, International Coatings' Western Regional Sales Manager just had another article published in Impression Magazine's Online site. Read his informative article regarding screen imaging. Here is an excerpt of the article and a link to the site:
Five Important Factors for Imaging a Screen
As a screen printer, your business’ success relies on properly prepared and imaged screens. If screens are not made or imaged well, the result can be inferior designs, additional staff downtime or both. Once you have properly prepped your screens (click
hereto read “Five Important Steps for Prepping a Screen”), it is imperative that you know the most crucial steps in screen imaging. Following are five things to keep in mind to effectively image a screen for maximum printing results.
1. Cleanliness: Many screen printers underestimate the importance of their shops’ cleanliness. Not only should screens be properly prepared, but their prepping and storing environment also should be clean. Lint, oils, dust, ink residue, etc. all have a negative impact on the printing process or how crisp and clear your print image will be. For consistently good print results, be sure that your exposure glass, film, floors, walls etc. are kept clean...
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International Coatings manufactures a complete line of
screen printing inks, including a wide variety of
specialty inks,
special effects inks,
color matching systems,
additives and reducers. For more information on our products, please visit our website at
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