'Tis the season... for tradeshows and seminars. In conjunction with McLogan, we will be hosting another seminar at our Cerritos, CA headquarters. Many of you have asked us when we will conduct our next one, so here it is.
We will be covering Additives & Reducers this time, and it's shaping up to be an exciting and informative one. We'll go over some common additives, like Suede/Dulling, Stretch, Puff, Low-Cure and Reducers and Catalysts.
Always wanted to try out those additives but were afraid to try? Got questions on how much additive to put in? What is the difference between the various reducers? What cool special effects can be printed with additives and reducers? How can that soft-hand feel be achieved?
Come and find out!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
10 am - 2 pm
Cost is $25 (covers lunch and samples)
RSVP here