IC Inks Used Around ISS LB 2016
February 06, 2016
Besides showcasing International Coatings ink at our own booth's print demo, our inks were used at various booths around the show floor at the recent ISS Long Beach show.
Besides the M & R Booth (See image from previous post) printing with custom mixed colors using our 7500 UltraMix® Color Matching System, our inks were also used at the Vastex Booth (7600 Series and Legacy White 7014) on their manual press and the 700 Series were used on Anatol's Automatic press.

Some of our distributors were also using our inks for print demos at their booth. McLogan used our 7600 Series inks for their print, and Ryonet used our 7100 Performance Pro™ Inks.

All in all, a busy show for us!