Here is a quick tip from Kieth Stevens on how to get cleaner exposures, which translates for the better images on the screen. This quick tip was recently published in
Printwear Magazine:
Using lower-wattage light bulbs to expose screens can result in images that aren't crisp or in the emulsion washing out where it's not supposed to. Instead of spending a lot of time touching up the screen with screen filler, try using dual cure emulsion.
Although the Diazo is the most forgiving of the various types of emulsions, it is also the slowest to expose. Dual cure hardens (cures) faster and can especially make a difference for those using a weak source of light for exposure.
Secondly, use a reliable, industry-supplied light source. Screen print equipment and materials manufacturers and distributors can guide you to the right choice for your setup.
—Kieth Stevens, International Coatings
International Coatings manufactures a complete line of Non-Phthalate and Non-PVC
screen printing inks, including a wide variety of
specialty inks,
special effects inks,
color matching systems,
additives and reducers. For more information on our products, please visit our website at
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