Fabric Discoloration and How to Prevent it

April 26, 2018


Fabric Discoloration, also known as "Ghosting" or "Bleaching", results from a reaction that takes place between ingredients used in some Lo-Bleed inks and some reactive dyes in 100% cotton garments. Yellow dyes seem to be the most troublesome.


A faint, almost invisible, "ghost" image of the printed design is sometimes visible on the back side or inside of garments that have come in contact with a white ink print.

The Reaction

Three conditions need to be present for the discoloration to take place - heat, pressure and humidity. Take away any one of these three conditions and the reaction will not take place. The heat comes from the garments as they exit the dryer; pressure from stacking these hot garments as they exit the dryer; and humidity from moisture contained in the cotton garments.

The Solution(s)

  • Use White inks formulated specifically for 100% cotton garments, or use a "non" lo-bleed white ink.
  • Check to be sure that the inks you are using do not contain any bleaching agents (such as peroxide). International Coatings inks contain no bleaching agents. Some competitive brands do.
  • Do not stack garments hot. Stagger stack - i.e., place them in several sequential stacks - and cool with a fan while stacking at the end of the dryer.


To determine if your fabric is prone to ghosting, follow this simple test prior to production:

Equipment Needed:

Heat Transfer Machine set @ 200°F (93°C)

Test Procedure

Fabric Discoloration and How to Prevent it

1. Print the suspect fabric with the white ink you intend to use in production and fuse/cure normally.

Fabric Discoloration and How to Prevent it

2. Cover the printed area with another piece of the suspect fabric and mist VERY lightly with water.

Fabric Discoloration and How to Prevent it

3. Place the fabric set into the Transfer Machine, set @ 200°F (93°C), with minimal pressure (5 psi).

Fabric Discoloration and How to Prevent it

4. Close the machine and leave for up to 4 hours. Some fabric will discolor within 5 to 10 minutes. If the material is prone to "ghosting," you will see the "ghost" image on the un-printed fabric.