The holidays are just around the corner and printers are stocking up on their holiday colors of green, red and snowy white.
Here are some tips from Kieth Stevens, recently published in
Impressions as well, for making your prints stand out from the crowd and add pizzazz:
• Instead of using a regular white, try one that is extra bright (such as International Coatings'
7031 Ultra White). Special optical brighteners in the ink give this white a “pop.”
• Add some puff to your design by mixing a puff additive into your existing inks. International Coatings’
220 Puff Additive has been a big seller this season, according to the company.
• Add glitters and shimmers. For example, Crystalina features flakes that appear to change color in different lights and when viewed from different angles (
155 Crystalina Shimmer).
• Mix scents, such as pine or cinnamon, into inks for a twist on holiday wear.
Kieth Stevens is the Western regional sales manager for International Coatings. He has been teaching screen printing for more than 10 years and is a regular contributor to International Coatings' blogs. For more information, visit
iccink.com - See more at: http://impressions.issshows.com/screen-printing-news/Screen-Printing-Tip--6916.shtml#sthash.MRyfd0hl.dpuf
International Coatings manufactures a complete line of phthalate-compliant
screen printing inks, including a wide variety of
specialty inks,
special effects inks,
color matching systems,
additives and reducers. For more information on our products, please visit our website at